Effective Budgeting Tips For Single Parents

Jul 8, 2024
 |  1 min read
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Single parents juggle many responsibilities, making it an uphill battle to manage finances, childcare, household duties, and work. They are burdened with the costs of their child’s food, clothes, medical care, education and more.

But with smart strategies, single parents can turn around their financial game. Here is a detailed guide on how and when should single parents start budgeting, essential budgeting tips, where can single parents find budgeting resources and more.

What are the Financial Struggles of Single Parents?

Take a look at the following financial struggles and see if you can identify any of them:

  • Limited income
  • Lack of savings
  • High childcare costs
  • Unplanned expenses
  • Not having child support
  • Unable to create emergency funds
  • Inability to maintain a good credit score

Tips on how Struggling Single Parents can Survive Financially

Here are some tried and tested tips on how struggling single parents can survive financially:

  • Improve your financial habits: As you identify financial mistakes, it will be easier for you to create a new plan. Avoid getting into debt unless it is an emergency.
  • Have an emergency fund: Begin with small, manageable savings goals and gradually increase the amount. Set up automatic transfers to your emergency fund to ensure regular contributions.
  • Creating a proper single-parent budget: Review recent financial statements to understand your finances and make a monthly budget.
  • Leverage instant loans: When facing financial emergencies or unexpected expenses, instant loans offer convenient access to money without lengthy approval processes.
  • Take life insurance: It is very important to have a financial backup like life insurance for your child. As a nominee, your child will be entitled to benefits if something happens to you. 
  • Open a savings account in your child’s name:  Set up a bank account in the name of your child where you place a reasonable amount for them. This is a great way of teaching them financial planning and saving money.

What are the Types of Loans Available for Single Mothers in India?

If you are wondering, “Where can single parents find budgeting resources?” here is a list of popular types of loans in India:

  • Personal Loans: Personal loans are unsecured loans that can be used for a variety of purposes, including medical emergencies, home repairs, or debt consolidation.
  • Education Loans: This type of loan can be used to finance students' education. Mothers can use it to fund their children's education to ensure a secure future.
  • Business Loan: Business loans are available for single mothers who wish to start or expand their own business. These loans can help cover startup costs, inventory, equipment, or working capital.
  • Travel Loan: Travel loans can be used to finance travel expenses for vacations, family visits, or other travel-related needs.
  • Debt Consolidation Loan: Debt consolidation loans allow single mothers to combine multiple debts into a single loan with a lower interest rate. This simplifies repayments and can reduce overall interest costs.


Being a single parent is tough, but innovative strategies can help you achieve financial stability. Start by improving your financial habits and creating a budget. If you need urgent cash loans, platforms like mPokket offer easy cash loans online. You can apply for short-term loans quickly and conveniently. Explore budgeting resources made for single parents. With the right approach, you can build a secure and prosperous future for you and your children.

Being a single parent is challenging, but with a little strategic planning, you may achieve financial security. Create a budget and improve your financial habits first. Easy cash loans online are available with mPokket in times of need. Apply for short-term loans which are easy and quick to submit. Recall that you are not by yourself. If you take the right actions, you and your children can build a secure and wealthy future together.

Gaurav Jalan

Gaurav Jalan is the Founder and CEO of mPokket, a digital lending platform serving underserved Indian youth. He leverages technology and experience to deliver cost-effective credit to marginalized populations. In his role, he provides strategic direction and oversees execution to fulfill mPokket's mission.